Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Some of you will LIKE this photo, other will bash me for posting it. Let’s see where you stand


Fallout said...

At a certain point I think that you have enough legos. But, you know, part of the American way is to have more than you should. With respect to the notion that I should do more about this inequity I remind you that only congress can pass laws. But, as your president I have intervened to fix this issue. I have just signed an executive order that every box of legos that is greater than 50 pieces shall have a 50% tax added to the sale. The proceeds of the tax will go to my reelection campaign.

I know that this may seem to be illegal but I have a good relationship with the Justice Dept and besides, Eric Holder owes me a favor.

In my next four years I will have the Constitution amended to include what the Federal or State government must do on your behalf. That document of negative liberties is in my way and I will fix it.

Moving Forward. “Getting the government involved in your life.”

Your President and Chief.
Barry Frank Marshall Davis Hussein Obama
(God bless you)

Anonymous said...

The modern Democrat says to the taxpayer:: "The Bible says, 'give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away'." "So, 'go and do thou likewise'!"

And I, a God-fearing Republican, answer, " but the Bible says, 'the wicked borroweth, and payeth not again'.".... "So, "go, and sin no more'.!".. ... ( h.a.h.)