Sunday, October 23, 2005

I want my Civil Rights Back

Things aren’t the same since Terrorism set in.

I wanted to mail a letter the other day. I looked in several places for a mailbox. They have removed even more. Why? Bombs can be placed in mailboxes.

I flew out of O’Hare the other day. The TSA has become a keystone cop force filled with Barney Fifedom.

Same with security in courthouses.

Cameras on every street corner. Sending tickets.

We have communities that are closed now. Gated. Why? Terrorism.

Office buildings used to be open. Now, you go thru security to keep an appointment.

Parents live with fear of their child’s capture by sexual predators who’s locations are now plotted on the internet.

Kids in school are virtual prisoners for the same reason, Peggy works in a school and you don’t walk in and check with your kids without passing security.

Gun’s continue to be restricted. When I was 13 I paid $27 for a 22 single shot rifle. Try doing that today.

Try depositing or withdrawing any large amount of cash. The assumption is you are a terrorist or a drug dealer. Maybe I just like working in cash.

Go ahead and light up a cigarette anywhere and you are treated like vermin.

Drink too much and if you are over .08 it’s jail.

There is virtual religious persecution of Christians by Atheists and the ACLU.

If you don’t wear your seat belt you can be arrested.

We are all going to be forced to buy or refit our TV sets to digital and the reception will be poorer. Why, Money. Selling Spectrum. Short term gain, long term loss. Of course the government plays the trump card for all dumb decisions.
First responders need the bandwidth.

Is there a limit to the harassment? Is there a point at which the civil liberties of Americans supercede the terrorism fear?

I'm sick of being stepped on.

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