Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Global Warming is a Political Control Scheme

I can’t prove any of what I’m about to say (Yet), I can only tell you I am reading in journals and reports an undercurrent of politically incorrect reports by reputable scientists which tells me that the whole global warming issue is wrong by a large measure.

On University of Southern California TV late last night (I’m a geek) I was an oceanographer delivering a paper on climate change. I love that kind of thing so until I fell asleep I watched it. He said in part:

Every 40,000 years or so for the past half million years the world goes thru a radical climate change. It’s been 40,000 years since the last one. Each one of these has the hockey stick look. Increasing CO2 levels and increasing temperatures. Then boom, in a decade or less the climate gets very very cold to a baseline that makes certain areas uninhabitable. And from that very cold platform the warming cycle starts all over again increasing in velocity slowly to create the hockey stick graph we all know and then the climatological collapse.

This was all discovered by analyzing deep bore ice cores with air bubbles in them which came from Antarctica and Greenland’s ice caps that reveals CO2 and temperature levels for the last 500,000 years.

This has been happening over and over again. Man doesn’t cause climate change, he is merely an observer. All our hand wringing about CO2 and temperature levels is part of a natural cycle. We are in it right now.

The most revealing thing he said was: High CO2 levels are caused by high temperatures and that the increasing cycle high temp – high CO2 – higher temps – higher CO2 etc is normal, repeated and will happen again. Then the crash comes.

WOW. That hit home. I just the same thing the other day. That decomposition rates increase under high temperatures. That makes sense. High decomposition releases CO2’s.

So, don’t panic but don’t put away your parka, enjoy the warm weather while it lasts and fuel up your SUV. Climate change isn’t your fault. It never was. It was all politics. But you knew that deep in your heart.

God is in Control, not you.

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