Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A Really Brilliant Solution re Teaching of IT or Evolution in our schools

I have been engaged in a discussion about the inclusion of Intelligent Design in our school's curricula or only teaching the religion of Darwin (Evolution).  By that you already know I am NOT an evolutionist.    There have been lots of questions, lots of probing, some ridicule of me and mine.  I'm a big boy.  But in a chatboard a man by the name of GREG, who I don't know, wrote this.  Read it, and then ask, isn't that a sensible way to deal with all this?  Why are the evolutionists so terrified?  What is their agenda.  Something is up.
Read it all here:

I will start out by saying that I am a Bible-believing Christian and that I believe that the book is inerrant and inspired by the One True God from cover to cover.

That aside, you readers may be surprised to know that my position on this issue is that neither creationism NOR evolution should be taught in schools, even though creation is much more science-based than evolution will ever be. And yes, I did just say that. Here's why: The supposed evidence for the Theory of Evolution is as scientific as a Mother Goose nursery rhyme. Not a single shred of true evidence exists. No transitional forms have ever been found (http://www.answersingenesis.org/Home/Area/re1/chapter3.asp), every dating technique ever used has proven over and over again to be unreliable (http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs2002/carbon_dating.asp), and most importantly, no natural mutations have EVER been observed that increase the amount of genetic information in an organism which would be necessary in order for macroevolution to be true (http://www.answersingenesis.org/creation/v17/i3/genetics.asp).
All the evidence that has been used to support macroevolution has been evidence of microevolution paraded as the latter. If you choose not to believe me, as I'm sure most of you will, click the links and see the real proof for yourselves. As far as the Bible goes, it is the most historically and archaeologically backed-up document ever. Any real search into its background and content will reveal that. The only reasons that people choose to immediately dismiss it as a reliable book is either because they are threatened by what it teaches, or they have been told that by someone that it is untrue and not gone and seen for themselves.
The book "Surprised by Faith" by Don Bierle documents why the Bible should be considered the most reliable book ever written. So the Bible alone should be enough to prove the validity of Creation. However, I recognize that few people would accept the Bible as "science" despite its backing, so that rules it out as science class-appropriate.
But, no true evidence for evolution exists, so it shouldn't be taught either. What should be taught then? Simple. Teach science! We don't need to discuss origins in science class. If a student asks about it, a teacher should simply reply with, "that is a matter of faith and religion, and we cannot discuss it here." And leave it at that.
 BRILLIANT, I wish I had said that. 

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