Saturday, March 04, 2006

Fox Appoints Henhouse Protection Chief

Color me really unimpressed. Wal-Mart, that paragon of non-virtue, a type of the anti-Christ, is putting in place a Global Ethics Manager.


Like that amounts to anything at all. This is a low class slimy corporation with the ethics of the worst trailer trash you can concieve of. They have done permanent damage to the economy of the USA.

And like the Anti-Christ well meaning men and women (many even Christian) have cheered them on under the banner of competition, hot dogs and the American free enterprise system.

There's nothing free or enterprising about using and abusing essentially exploited slave labor globally to destroy American industry. Certainly nothing Christian. I'm not sure a Christian can or should shop at Wal-Mart.

So, I'm not impressed.

You shouldn't be either.

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