Saturday, November 11, 2006

11-11-11 Thanks Falls Short

Every Year about this time I get a little choked up.  I think of the men and women of the Military from the Revolutionary War to today's conflicts in the Middle East.  Emotion grabs me.
I guess we all do.  So, what do we do?  Send a card?  Say a prayer?  Say Thank You?
I do, I did, but it feels inadequate.  I live a simple whole life because I am free, a freedom purchased with blood.  I could go all spiritual on you here; another time.  I'm talking about the blood of patriots shed on the field of battle. 
I guess that's why I'm such a devoted conservative.  I think anything that diminishes or demeans the sacrifice made by those wonderful warriors is on the verge of sacrilege. 
I wasn't always this passionate.  I wasn't always this thankful.  I was much younger and more stupid then. 
This probably is why my devotion to God and Country is so deep and deeply felt.  It is why when during this recent election people who demeaned our military received my personal vilification at such an intense level.
It's why I want our military to do what it takes to win.  That's why this idiocy regarding charging Rumsfeld for war crimes angers me so.  Abu Graib was an embarrassment, not a crime. The fact there are young warriors in jail right now in California for doing what they knew to be right is a travesty.  If we as a country really valued and honored our war heroes alive and dead we would immediately release every one of these men and women from all these embarrassments.  I hope before President Bush leaves office he pardons them all in one fell swoop. 
Winning means that the human freedom and vision woodpile is higher than when we went in.  I think that has happened in Afghanistan, it is happening in Iraq.  Oh, the battle isn't done.  The struggle against forces trying to defeat freedom is never finished. It isn't finished in the USA.  We still have freedom hating demagogues in our political system.  I won't name them.  Your list would be different from mine.
So on this day after the birthday of the Marines, on this veterans day, I salute those who serve and served.  You are worthy of our honor. 
Thanks seems so inadequate.  I guess you have to know how I mean it.

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