Friday, March 02, 2007

I'm not Shocked, but the Magnitude Surprises even ME

Drat those dirty blasted rats. In deep weeds. Oh Shoot. Or just RATS!..........

I try NOT to curse if I can help it. Some of those appellations above are those which I use instead of. Oh, I know how. I'm good at it. I slip. I practiced for many years before I got saved. Sometimes I slip up real bad, but not as bad as the Godless Left.

Gateway Pundit has a study done of the liberal left wing godless blogosphere versus the right wing God fearing patriotic American blogosphehe. I love using that kind of hyperbole. Anne Coulter has taught me well.

The upshot of it all is if you use the gauge of the 7 words you can't say on TV as delineated by George Carlin you will see that the left uses those words in blogs and comments 18 times more often than the right does.

Why is that?

Here are some possibilities:
  • The right is more moral
  • The right is more caring
  • The right is more courteous
  • The right is more kind
  • The right is more intelligent (My mom told me that using that kind of language was a sign of stupidity, of course they vote lefty, sooooo......)
  • The right is more cultured
  • The right is more articulate
  • The right is more god fearing
  • The right is right

Or, does that foul mouthed language on the part of the left prove anything at all? Who knows?

But I am shocked at the difference. We really are two Americas. I like the one that doesn't constantly call me a #$^*(&%(*&%R)**(*_+)&_ or say (*)&%#@_&_+#&+)(@# in front of my wife.

You can keep the other one. By the way, there is a report on our potential first female President Hillary. Quotes from people who worked with and know her.

She fits right in with the foul mouthed left.

Maybe I WON'T vote for her

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