Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Obama in Moscow: Stupid is as Stupid Does

Along the way, you gave us a pretty good deal on Alaska. Thank you.


The man is a Laff Riot!!!

That’s the way to “hit the Reset button”, Mr. President. Remind the Russians of perhaps the stupidest thing they ever did.

(Can you imagine the teeth-grinding rage of a person like Putin, a guy who has clawed his way to the top on sheer wit, cunning and brutality, having to deal with this lightweight and take him seriously? I almost feel sorry for Putin.)

Can you imagine if any Republican said this? How about if Sarah Palin said it? Geez.

Bottom line: The guy is a smooth-talking ignoramus: not all that smart, not well-read, with a wafer-thin resume.

Some people who are paying attention don’t call our President His Holiness Messiah Barack I or even just The One: We call him J. Danforth Obama!

Hold on to your hats, folks. We are in for at least 3.5 more years of comedic hijinks.

Bottom line: The guy is a smooth-talking ignoramus: not all that smart, not well-read, with a wafer-thin resume.

In reality, I think the bottom line is actually a bit worse than you suppose. Not only is our President an educated ignoramus but he shares a failing common to a great many of our educated elites: He doesn’t even know what he doesn’t know. He is ignorant of his ignorance.

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