Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Obama the Impotent has damaged the Government's reputation, as if it could be damaged any more

Sometimes people wonder why there is so little confidence in the Government, particularly this administration to accomplish much of consequence. I am less and less impressed with Barack Obama's executive ability. I know it's a lack of experience and ignorance. Why we would trust him to properly execute any program is beyond me? That is the root of the Health Care Debate. He's never had a real job in his life. Still doesn't. His idea of executive administration is going on TV and looking good. He does that well. Everything else, nope.

Even the British have become disillusioned with him. For reasons different from me, but they aren't happy. They call him Obama the Impotent.

An understanding of the massive bungle known as Cash for Clunkers must give caution to anyone thinking that government, particularly a government that wants to use ACORN to conduct the census can do much with competence. The thugs at ACORN and the SEIU are symbolic of the level of equal opportunity clumsiness that this undercover expose' about the Cash For Clunker processing was like. There are STILL dealers waiting for their money.

I am very discouraged about this administration. I wish Obama knew what he was doing. He doesn't. That's what happens when an uninformed population votes for a pretty face.

I heard Glen Beck being interviewed by Katie Couric say, he wishes Hillary Clinton would have been nominated. He says he would have voted for HER over McCain. I have to say, that except for Sarah Palin, I might have as well.

At least we'd have Bill.

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