Wednesday, November 04, 2009

The Discreet Charm of the Left Wing Plutocracy

Victor David Hansen writes with such wit and accuracy. He puts a fork in Al Gore and his Hypocritical life.

To distill Gorism is to live in a 1,000 sq. ft. solar house, bike to work, and take the train on long distances; but to promote Gorism, one lives in a mansion, jets on private planes, and is chauffeured from airport to conference center—a rather heavy carbon footprint indeed. I mention that because this week he has insisted that he only invested in what he believes in and is thus not a hypocrite—sort of like a 1990s Fannie or Freddie director saying he is only taking mega-bonuses because he believes in public support for housing.
You will want to read the whole thing, it's an absolute HOOT..... Al Gore and all the rest of the lefty issue baiters laugh up their sleeves at the sheeple who follow them. Suckers is more accurate.

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