Tuesday, February 09, 2010

OK, I'm puzzled, Corpse Man from Mr Teleprompter and Writing notes on the hand? Which got NEWSED

I won’t bother to link. You know the stories. The teleprompter in Chief’s slave, Barry Hussein can’t read it without some mental edit to figure out that CORPSE man is C’ore man. I mean you are in the line of battle, take some shrapnel, do you yell out for the CORPSE MAN?

And as demonstrated by his inability to function without a teleprompter in front of school kids, he has to have notes, lots of notes to talk at all.

Yet, CORPSE MAN never got much play. HUH?

BUT, let Sarah Palin write 3 notes on her hand and the liberal press goes crackpotty. An envelope might have been better. But, she gave a speech without teleprompters. Something the POTUS appears to be incapable of.

Why do the Lame Streamers even wonder why we KNOW what a bunch of apologists for all things OBAMA they are?

How much evidence do you need?

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