Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dealing with the New Atheism with 1 PETER 3:15

I heard this very good talk (an MP3) this morning on the radio about the new atheists. It's very helpful. I have to admit that I have been among those who have used a hammer instead of
[1 PETER 3:15]

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this” – not with caricature, not with dichotomizing -- but “with gentleness and respect.” to speak to them. I'm sorry about that. I will do better. From this transcript:
What are these new evangelists of atheism saying? Well, at the risk of over-simplifying, it boils down to several principle contentions:
1. You can’t be truly bright and believe that God exists. Science shows that there’s no
need for God and no evidence for God, so grow up and give up the crazy
2. Religious faith is the enemy of reason, and therefore, is the dangerous disease that
is preventing us from making further progress as a race.
3. It turns out that religion is actually just an evolutionary adaptation itself. Who knew?
It served a purpose early on but now no longer. In fact it’s sort of like an inflamed
appendix that needs to be cut out.
4. The Bible, like the holy books of other major religions, is a work of fantasy and horror that ought to be buried. You certainly can’t trust the picture it gives you of Jesus.
5. If the God of the Bible really existed, one close look at all the suffering in this world
and you would have to conclude that he is neither great nor good.
6. The world would be better off without Christianity. Do what John Lennon did:
Imagine no religion, it’s easy if you try.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Put the apostle Paul in a mosque today> what would he preach? for that matter, put him in a synagog today? what would he preach? for that matter, put in a main line church. what would he preach?