Monday, May 17, 2010

HOW to solve the oil crisis in the gulf....Oil floats, straw doesn't sink ...this'll work

How did I know that a couple hillbillies would come up with this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The smart people are not those in Washington, D.C. They are just a bunch of dumb bastards. The smart people are those like these men in the video. The hillbillies (Scots-Irish) are the butt of jokes and condescension by the eastern high brows, but they have repeatedly saved our country's ass. For example, The Battle of King's Mountain indicated they are not a people to take for granted. A critical victory at a critical time by a bunch of hillbillies against a professional organized army of superior number.
Isaiah said we would have children for rulers in the latter days. Boy, do we ever. The smart men are overlooked. The dumb bastards are praised.