Saturday, July 03, 2010

Black Folks Drifting away from Obama

President Obama is losing his core support. This isn't good for good governance. Over 90% of African Americans voted for him. I listen a fair bit to WVON, 1690. The hosts are all black. Other than daytime hosts who still trumpet the party line, many others no longer support many of Obama's policies like Immigration Amnesty (it's about Jobs), Stimulus that didn't stimulate, Second Amendment rights as was just reversed in Chicago, Abortion (particularly late term). The same percentage of black people who voted for The President want to be able to legally own a gun for protection. This awakening among many in the community may not mean a wholesale conversion to vote another way, but I know many many good men and women in the city and suburbs who are black and voted for Obama in 2008 who are at the core as conservative as I am.

After all these years of faithfully voting D on every ballot, the questions are starting to be asked. "What did we get for our faithfulness? Our schools are still inferior, war on the streets, no jobs, no opportunity, nothing. Now it looks like the President want to make sure those jobs never come back by an immigration policy that replaces any chance we ever had of supporting our families well."

If he doesn't get the message he will lose his support when a better man or woman emerges. I'm astounded that a whole party headed by a President from his ethnic background would be willing to just throw the whole contingency over the side assuming that support will blindly remain. It won't. That much I am certain.

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