Thursday, March 10, 2011

King Idea Who's time has Come

Obama enjoys being president, and he especially treasures the symbolic significance of being the first African-American president. That's how his supporters feel, too. I haven't heard anyone defend his actual performance in a long time, but there is still widespread satisfaction with the symbolic value of his presidency. So why don't we make him king? If being the first African-American president has symbolic value, just think what it would mean for the first King of the United States to be African-American! Plus, Michelle would be a queen and Malia and Sasha would be princesses. How cool would that be?

I realize that there are constitutional issues with establishing a new office of kingship, but they are nothing that couldn't be cured with a hastily-called constitutional convention. The king would have no duties beyond golf, so Obama would be perfect for the job. Our king would need a place to live, of course--we need to coax Obama out of the White House--so I'm thinking one of those big houses in Newport, Rhode Island would be ideal. Safely out of the way.

Then we could hold a special election and choose a real president. Probably, given the temper of the times, he or she would be a Republican. On no account would our new constitutional arrangement allow Joe Biden to succeed Obama. He would make a terrific viceroy, or possibly court jester.

Sure, it seems like a radical solution. But consider the alternative. The more I think about it, the better I like it: Obama for King!

Read the whole thing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to get a little tired of Obama and his culture. Couldn't one just and proper man of the eighteen stand up for this poor girl?