Monday, May 16, 2011

When I told people two years ago that house prices would fall another 25 percent I was pilloried. I was too cautious

Eclipsing a terrible milestone as home prices fall harder than the 1928 through 1933 Great Depression Collapse: Lessons from the Great Depression Part 32. Housing prices continue to fall as other costs eat up disposable income.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christian optimism, is found in Matt. 6:25-34. " "WHY WORRY? ... about what we shall eat and drink and wear?" Don't we pray just for today's bread? Not for Cadillacs and swimming pools, lake homes, ski resorts, and Caribbean cruises .
Too many people walk around with furrowed brows and long faces like the two Emmaus disciples on that first Easter: "...their faces were downcast"....but then, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us...and opened the Scriptures to us?"..
With joy and amazement they ran back with Christian optimism. We sit, or walk, or run... one day at a time, with believer's optimism. ...h.a.h.