Monday, August 08, 2011

Sexual Sin

by David Godhasheard Carroll on Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 11:55pm

Sexual sin

Will take you in

To a world where unfulfilling

Fantasies play with your mind

You better leave it all behind!

In the past like a rear view

Mirror, where objects seen are closer

Leave! Flee! Make sure that it is over

You think about how to be gratified

24/7, but you'll not make it into heaven

Satisfying your appetite at Seven-Eleven

There is a way which seems right

You may think that chastity is uptight

But when your lust is through, it will destroy you

There can be no personal satisfaction

You must take drastic action

Burn the magazines, the tapes, get off the "I,"

That way, you will save yourself in this life

Porno is a grievous sin;it leaves you empty within

You "use" others, then you feel used

It's a vicious cycle, from user to abused

Here in America we wink at evil

We ride the bike like Robbie Knievel

And when it's all done, you feel cheap and dirty

The devil took you down when you became flirty

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