Monday, November 21, 2011

"Count Your Blessings And Be Thankful"

If only I made more money, than I would be happy.

If I could get that promotion, than I would be happy.

If I could afford that new electronic widget, than I would be happy.

If only my kids behaved better, than I would be happy.

If only my spouse was more like him or her than I would be happy.

If I only had what the neighbors have, than I would be happy.

Yet happiness never comes. Constantly chasing happiness in material assets or things that you may never receive may provide but a fleeting moment of feeling good but never lasting happiness.

Happiness is not about getting what you want because you often find yourself wanting what you already have. Until you recognize what you do have, happiness will continue to escape you.

Happiness is about understanding and recognizing what you do have, then being thankful for those blessings.

Happiness is a choice, a choice to know what you have as blessings and to be thankful for each and every one of them. Only when you make that choice will you finally be at peace with yourself and find everlasting happiness.

~J. Charest

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