Tuesday, June 12, 2012

the barbarians have invaded

Now that the barbarians have invaded the gold coast we might get some action:

One adult – 18-year-old Mitchell Coradarrowe, of the 5900 block of South Indiana Avenue – was charged with felony mob action and aggravated battery. Seven others, ages 13 to 16, were charged as juveniles with felony mob action.

I have to ask the question no one is asking: does the community where these thugs come from bear any responsibility for producing and releasing them? Is a failing cultural paradigm supported by our pop culture really where your great grandfather wanted this to go? Where are the men who at one time would have scared hell out of these punks by telling them the truth. Kill someone with a weapon in IL, it's 40 years MANDATORY MINIMUM SENTENCE. Rob someone with a weapon, 6 years minimum, 30 maximum. This kid in this story will do serious time. This crime wave can only be stopped by people with the credibility to stop it. I know this goes against the grain, but locking up the leaders of the gangs is the wrong thing to do. IF you know the street, you know I'm right. Ya gotta have someone to talk to.

Maybe now that the gangs of marauders have invaded we'll see concrete action. These aren't swedes from Andersonville. Let's quit hiding behind political correctness. Truth is our friend if we face it. Time to turn the toxic tide.

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