Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Why do you go to Church?

Tradition? Kids need to learn about Jesus? Friends? Guilt? Involvement in something? Recognition? To do good works? Is that why people gathered in the Book of Acts? Is that what was going on in the early persecuted church?

Is that why people gather today in humble places in Nigeria in fear of their lives, in China, in Burma. In IRAN even? Are they gathering to hear a man speak of a bible story or text and then in twenty or thirty minutes... stop, take an offering and bless them as they go home?

NO... those people are hungry and thirsty for a supernatural word of life. Hope. A faith filled prayer that somehow daily bread will come. That deliverance from evil will manifest. Not a rote prayer, a prayer of desperation. Their worship is connecting them with the eternal God thru faith, not just singing a song.

In NJ a women has been removed from her position as a teacher, because she posted from her own home on her FB that she did not support homosexuality because the bible says it is sin. Her name is Mrs. Knox keep her in prayer she is undergoing investigation. Another pastor in NY is too being questioned for a similar comment.

IF God has to, he will allow Christians in the western church to become as desperate as those in countries where the very act of meeting together is a life threatening event. He loves us too much not to. He will have a pure passionate church. The Kingdom will advance in spite of the fact that a rattle of the door handle can mean meeting Jesus face to face in the next few seconds. We have so much growing up to do.. I don't want persecution, but if that's what it takes..... Evenso COME

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