Tuesday, March 12, 2013

While I don't consider The Harbinger by Cahn prophetic, I DO think what he has said by his book is critical to the Church. We have become part of the modern culture, not a standard God would erect against the flood of the enemy. One thing he says is true, last November's election was a tipping point. We are now an apostate nation. Demonic forces previously held back were released last November. Same Sex marriage, Freer Abortion, Corruption, Homosexual Ascendancy and many more insidious demonic forces. The real question is, now that you live in an apostate nation coming under judgement from God, how will YOU then live?? How should the church then function. Will it continue to cocoon itself into further irrelevancy or will it begin to take a strong stand for righteousness? That begins by pushing back against leadership that is corrupting our country. Will your or will you lose those good tithers if you do?

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