Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"Life is just too short to put up with a kicking cow"

When you come to the point where you know you MUST separate yourself from someone who is toxic in your life, do it.  I long ago made the decision that life is too short to put up with a kicking cow. You don't know the story?

A farmer had a prize milk cow. It would produce twice as much milk as any cow in the county. People would come and marvel at the output. She was a pride of the dairy industry. There was only one problem. She had a bad habit of KICKING the farmer across the barn every time he knelt to milk her. She never missed. Seemed to enjoy it. One day his wife heard a noise. Went to the barn and found the cow dead with a gun in the farmers hand. She said, "WHY would you kill the prize cow, your best producer?" He said, "Life is just too short to put up with a kicking cow". I won't. Neither should you. No matter how productive they are... if they kick you every time.. time to call time out and out with them. This is a management principle worth knowing.

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