Friday, June 28, 2013

I actually get what Christina Coleman is saying. The concern I have is equivellancy and trying to make right a great wrong she has endured at the hands of a collapsed culture. When I saw clips of this I was sad. I know people like Rachel. People that have no hope or a future. YES they need Jesus, but they are going to need much more. Money won't help. She is a lost soul. Cannot read nor write. Unskilled in every way. Embroiled in a racist culture. The first step out of this for Rachel and others I know personally who are trapped and bound by the culture that WILL destroy her and them is to come to grips with what is... and walk away from the idea that there is legitimacy in it. There is none... The culture of bondage she is in is not operated by white people. They are uninterested. It is operated by those who use her for their own power. Starting at the drug and gang level who see her as dispensable meat to be used up and discarded. I pray for Rachel. She has demons that at deeply rooted that will not be cast out easily.

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