Friday, September 13, 2013

The next socialist push

In case anyone wonders what the next great round of socialism will be, I have a prediction, prophecy or political observation: We have come to the point where the financial markets, the auto industry and eventually the health care industry will function under the aegis of the federal government. It's clear from Obama's campaign rhetoric what will come next -- America's public education system.

Candidate Obama's language about reforming public education was more emphatic and detailed than his discussion of health care. And, making a case for nationalizing public education will attract broader support than the three previous venues (banking, autos, and health care).

President Obama will proclaim public education K-12 as too crucial to the future of the nation to be left in the hands of volunteer citizen committees, also known as School Boards and Independent School Districts. And, the distribution of school financing is, Obama will say, too dependent on the varying affluence levels among the states, and within their divergent communities. All of America's youth are entitled to an equal opportunity to receive a world class education. Anything less is unfair. Equal opportunity demands equal funding.

IF you wonder why public education is failing, it's by design so the socialists can get control of it and indoctrinate YOUR CHILDREN. The only cure is to fight hard to abolish public education, all of it, and replace it with a private driven by voucher system. We spend more on education than anyone on the planet per child and get much less for it. This must stop. At $12,000 average across the board for all education, private funded by vouchers solves all the problems. Not some socialist liberal madrassa that teaches kids proper condom use and ecology over English. Look at Common Core. It's uncommonly corrupting.

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