A critical creative look at issues of Economics, Politics and Finding a Purpose in Life - Let's talk about it. I try to leave the woodpile higher than I found it.
Dishonest to the core. From his birth certificate and social security number to his statements that start out by saying, “Never before in the history of this nation....” then comes the whopper of a story that a fisherman would be proud of.
Dishonest to the core. From his birth certificate and social security number to his statements that start out by saying, “Never before in the history of this nation....” then comes the whopper of a story that a fisherman would be proud of.
Dishonest to the core. From his birth certificate and social security number to his statements that start out by saying, “Never before in the history of this nation....” then comes the whopper of a story that a fisherman would be proud of.
Dishonest to the core. From his birth certificate and social security number to his statements that start out by saying, “Never before in the history of this nation....” then comes the whopper of a story that a fisherman would be proud of.
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