Sunday, November 24, 2013

Repeating stupidity

November 24th – Since a similar deal with North Korea in 1993 went so well, the lib media, who would rather eat glass than report on the latest Obamacare failure, is ecstatic about the deal with Iran. But do you know who else is turning cartwheels? None other than Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei himself. From the Islamic Republic News Agency: “Supreme Leader hails efforts of nuclear negotiating team” Isn’t that nice, only last Wednesday the now happy Ayatollah addressed tens of thousands of Basij militiamen all shouting “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.” Khamenei soon joined in on the fun, saying Israelis “cannot be called human beings.” So as Iran plays the proverbial shell game, the EU and China gets their oil, Russia increases its role as world power broker, the Middle East will soon be in a nuclear arms race and O gets a tee-shirt that reads: “I threw Israel under the bus!” What could go wrong? Leave it to our clueless media to trust a regime that exports terrorism and an American administration that has lied and been wrong about everything else! P

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