Thursday, November 07, 2013

Until there is a heart change, nothing will change.

We are engaged in a great civil war (still a cold one), this battle was lost.. for now, but if we understood the root and dealt with that we could take back this ground now lost to the enemy. We MUST have government Representative of an electorate that has values based in a Biblical Worldview.

The electorate that put these people in power as their representatives to vote as they did is the core of the issue. IF their hearts don't change, nothing will change.

I was at a church before the 2012 election on the south side. A large church. One that has great influence over the community they minister to. They were actively registering people to vote for exactly the representatives and leaders that facilitated this tragic vote.

I did not spend much time protesting politicians with allegiance to an electorate and an ideology that is so ungodly. Sure, they made some motions like they were "Considering" it. It was too late. I admire those who did fight... but it was the Alamo. The heroes who died in battle are not available for the next fight.

The real battle is on the streets and avenues of our cities. Hearts and minds, unrenewed spirits. Not Christian in Name only churches signing up voters in the lobby for the people who voted for this in Springfield. The church and spiritual leadership in our nation do not understand the battle. Worse, they accept circumstances that lead to this debacle and never cry out. Where are the prophetic voices that call out Ichabod against these things as they arise among the very people we minister to? I'm talking about the ballot box. They are silent because the ministry money machine had to be fed.. and speaking truth to the real power of the people in the pew voting their emotions rather than their espoused values is a risk they just can't take. It might be hard on the giving. Schizophrenia. Instead we go to Springfield to tilt at a windmill. God bless those who fought, but lets fight the REAL BATTLE... hearts and minds of the deceived in our cities. Until there is a heart change, nothing will change.

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