Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sterling might be right

I heard part of the interview Sterling gave to CNN's Cooper. Here's a couple of thoughts. Sterling is jealous of Magic Johnson. The girl. His "racism" is more envy. BUT he asked a question. "What has Magic Johnson ever done? Famous for being HIV positive and playing ball. But what has he done for the community". I decided to do some research to support Magic. I know how to read a financial statement. Looked at the financials for his foundation. He is worth five hundred million dollars. His foundation net net net gave under a hundred grand and that was dubious. Mostly it's an investment vehicle. I am hoping someone in the community can speak well of what Magic has ever done. I'm not finding it. Is that old curmudgeon, Donald Sterling right? http://magicjohnson.org/about-us/overview/

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