Sunday, September 14, 2014

I thought this was an interesting thought that I read this morning:
Every week, pastors all over the world are asked to do something that is almost impossible: preach a message to a group of people that includes...
a. Teenagers to seniors
b. Men and women
c. Mature disciples and not-yet-believers
d. The faithful and the skeptical
e. Regular attenders and first-time guests
f. Singles, married, divorced and “it’s complicated”
g. Those who need comfort and those who need a swift kick in the…
Ask pastors what their toughest regular assignment is, and speaking a message that ministers to everyone is at or near the top of the list.
This is something pastors are expected to do—and do well—that no one else is ever asked to do. Not just once, but 45-52 weeks a year.
All while keeping it fresh and new every time.
And while you’re at it, could you be:
a. Non-offensive, but challenging
b. Intellectually rigorous, but emotionally stirring
c. Scripturally based, but culturally relevant
d. Spiritual, but practical
e. Timeless, but current
f. Humorous, but reverent
g. Casual, but life-transforming
h. and keep it under 25 minutes, please?
No wonder the pastoral burnout rate is so high!
And while you’re at it, could you be:
a. Non-offensive, but challenging
b. Intellectually rigorous, but emotionally stirring
c. Scripturally based, but culturally relevant
d. Spiritual, but practical
e. Timeless, but current
f. Humorous, but reverent
g. Casual, but life-transforming
h. and keep it under 25 minutes, please?


Fallout said...

It would be a lot easier just to teach the Word and let the Holy Spirit do His work.

Gene said...