Saturday, October 25, 2014

A good List to consider

I believe this to be one of the best and most accurate list of characteristics of successful people I have ever seen. In my experience everyone I have ever known who became prosperous and successful possessed almost all of these. I believe it is true not only for those in business but for those in ministry. I hope I can claim possession of most of these characteristics. Even at my age I can still keep trying.

Dr. Herb Greenberg- 19 Qualities for Success
1. Perseverance
2. Goal- Oriented
3. Self- Awareness
4. Resilience
5. Willingness to Take a Risk
6. Thriving on Pressure
7. Optimism
8. Empathy
9. Competitiveness
10. Patience
11. Persuasiveness
12. Confidence
13. Passion
14. Integrity
15. Trust
16. Having Fun
17. Being Open
18. Creativity
19. Courage

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