Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Hillary Clinton Vindicated On Corruption Charges? Hardly

Last week, the Washington Post reported that the Justice Department had wound down a Hillary Clinton-related inquiry after finding “nothing of consequence.” That set off a series of Hosannas from the allegedly non-partisan press, which seems to notice quid pro quos only when they involve a Republican.
A quick review of the flagrantly corrupt dealings of the Clinton Foundation is in order.
When Hillary took the job of secretary of state under President Barack Obama, she promised that the foundation wouldn’t accept foreign donations. It took in money from at least seven foreign governments.
Documents showed that 85 of the 154 private interests who met with Clinton at the State Department had donated money to the foundation.
Emails unearthed by Judicial Watch showed that Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin – who worked for both the State Department and the foundation –  gave “special expedited access to the secretary of state” for those who gave $25,000 to $10 million.

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