Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The plague turned medieval existence upside down. Could another viral cull take a similar toll in the future?

In the 20th century, microbe hunters were able to vanquish bacterial disease. Since the advent of antibiotics in the 1940s, scourges of the past have been simply forgotten. We moderns with high-tech hospitals and our dazzling pharmacopoeia are not used to this scale of viral assault on the human species.

Many pathologists think global population overload will sooner or later end in a massive viral cull. The virus now spreading worldwide at exponential rates is not the Big One, however, and we should be immensely grateful for that. Yet nature is hard to control. It plays the long game—and well. Like many of us, I am looking for an upside to alarming medical and economic events, and right now, that’s hard to find.

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