Thursday, June 25, 2020

The Systemic Racism Myth Debunked

When I ask someone to tell me what systemic racism is or how to see it or recognize it by example I get the same few.  They don't hold up.

All the examples apply to poor white, Asian and Hispanic people. 

If you live in a poor zip code, your school is probably underfunded.  That's going to make it hard to get a good education.  This happens in schools all across the USA.  The lack of a good education holds people back.  Look at parts of white West Virginia and Tennessee. Those white kids are many times are as litereate as the worst graduates of the CPS.  So is it systemic racism if it applies to poor white kids?

I hear a lot about outcomes.  That people try to make it in life and it seems like some do better than others. That happens with every race of people.  I can take you to western IL and show you people who's outcomes are worse than the worst of what you see in any black neighborhood.  Is the fact that there are variation in outcomes is not an example of Systemic racism.

So to prove their point they point to the people in the legal system that may be biased but don't realize it.  On the other hand there are many who bend over backwards to give people that might have been prejudiced against a leg up.  If there are people prejudiced against black or hispanics in the legal system, I would call that RACISM, but not systemic.

Then there are examples of people black, white, brown, red or yellow who might claim systemic racism because they get behind.  Say they get a speeding ticket they can't afford to pay, then they lose their licence then get picked up for driving without a licence and then can't get to work and end up in a bad way. That happens all the time, but it's not racism.  It happens to everybody.  Hispanics suffer more than others.

Many teachers, cops and judges treat young black males differently.  They are a class unto themselves.  They are the ones doing the bulk of bad things.  But is that systemic racism?  I don't think so.  Race would be one of about 15 vaiables to check before you could call it systemic.

Of course it's hard not to think of single mothers, fatherless children, inferior section 8 housing that forces people to live around others without peers that can improve you, just bring you down.  Gangs come from that.  Isn't that the same as a poor white kid with a single mom, no dad in section 8 housing?  Or hispanic?

Was there ever systemic racism?  Sure when the Jim Crow and Apartheid (and segregation) were in force as law it fostered such.  But there are a lot of years since then.  There has actually been systemic countermeasures.  Preferential treatment in education (college), Special Training for employment programs, Admissions to all sorts of programs closed to most white folks.  That's pretty systemic.

No one disagrees that racism exists everywhere there are people around the world.  Starting life at the bottom of the well for any reason will have more trouble climbing out.  But that isn't systemic.  In fact if you are a qualified black man about 30 for anything, there are large corporations begging to hire you.   They have quota's.

Sure, there is driving while black and being shadowed by a store security person when you are black. That's not systemic, that's what happens.  I was a teenage boy and teens in my day loved to shoplift.  If as a teen growing up I went into a store I was shadowed.  Not race, young punk kid.  I also was pulled over from time to time to "Check my registration".  I was 16 drove a fast car and looked like trouble.  Pattern recognition, not systemic racism.

Systemic racism as a cry is whatever the race baiters, the politicians and the Woke folks say it is.  Uncle Ben and his Aunt Jemima.  They tell black folks how to feel and define what systemic racism is.  Look at the insanity on the street and the monuments that have fallen. 

I hate to mention it because I am not a fan, but we elected a mostly black president twice.  If systemic racism was rampant.. how did that happen.  Or is that an example of the absence of systemic racism.

The cry of systemic racism actually makes the problem worse.  It is actually the most racist thing anyone can accuse a whole race of people of.  White People are all the same, Systemically Racist.
That idea and attitude has no potential to improve relations.  It is in fact the N word when you claim that all whites are racist (systemically).  It is about as damaging as the idea of White Privilege. You can't build relationship on such accusation.  THE N WORD!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know someone on FB is posting this as their original composition. Did you write this?