Monday, November 16, 2020

Statistical Red Flags that PROVE that Trump won and Biden Cheated

Just read all these and then ask yourself the question, DO YOU BELIEVE THIS WAS A FAIR ELECTION??


1) Extremely large and unusual voter turnouts in key areas that overwhelmingly favor one candidate. This is very prevalent, and also appeared in Putin’s re-election.

2) Voter turnouts that are above 90%. The highest turnouts in 60 or70 years in some areas (breaking records set when election rigging was commonplace), while most areas have close-to-normal turnouts, is a red flag of of election rigging to all international observers.

3) Voter turnouts exceeding 100%. If you run out of people long before you run out of ballots to count, you’re obviously counting fake ballots. In this election, some precincts exceeded 200% turnout.

4) extremely high turnouts for one candidate among certain demographics, which didn’t occur in similar cities in nearby non-battleground states that have similar demographics. This sticks out with a sore thumb where ever you look in this election, with northern Indiana and northern Ohio looking nothing like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, or Atlanta compared to Birmingham, etc.

For example, in Miami-Date, Baltimore city, and New York City’s five counties, Joe Biden got less votes than Obama or Hillary (99%, 99% and 76%). He barely outperformed Hillary in Chicago (up 4%), Columbus (11%), San Francisco (8%), Boston (3%), Washington DC (8%), New Orleans (10%), Arlington VA (14%). But then he does 50% better in places like Phoenix and Colorado Springs, 40% better in Austin, and 32% better in Atlanta? And Biden does this after ditching the Democrats’ famous and effective voter-turnout ground game?

5) Unusual ratios of Biden votes in mail-in-ballots in only certain areas. In Pennsylvania, Biden’s gap over Trump in mail-in-ballots was 40% of Trump’s lead in same-day voting, across all counties, except in the problem areas around Philly, where the gap inexplicably skyrocketed.

6) Swings in the Biden/Trump ratio of mail-in-ballots over time. When you look at the time when mail-in-ballots were counted, they’ve been randomized by the individual voters’ daily routines, personal procrastination levels, pickup routes, post-office procedures, sign-in times, and where they got placed on the floor at the election sites. The ratio should be like an isotopic signature at the point, and be extremely constant, as it is in non-key states. In the problem areas were fraud is historically highly prevalent, this ratio goes nuts, with the later ballots becoming more and more skewed towards Biden. The only way that can happen is through fraud.

7) Biden getting more and more of the expected number of votes, as predicted by the ratio of straight-ticket voters, as a district or precinct becomes more heavily Republican, again judged by the ratio of straight-ticket voters. This can only happen via a computer algorithm, because real voters don’t know how everybody else is voting, much less defect to Biden the more Republican their district is. In fact, the opposite should happen due to social influences like seeing thousands of signs supporting their favored candidate. This is very clear evidence of intentional election rigging via computer, and appears on a very wide scale.

8) Straight lines showing up in scatter plots that should look random. This is related to red flag #37, and show up in data in Wisconsin. Real data is messy, and when a statistical analysis turns that mess into a perfect, straight line, you’re seeing the work of a computer rigging results, not the actions of human beings who are hard to predict, and who drink a lot and sometimes lick Tide Pods.

9) The polls, which were wildly wrong, apparently got the suspect states surprisingly more accurate than states that got their ballots counted quickly. Basically, it looks almost like the vote in the late-counting states is being rigged to match polls that were wildly off everywhere else. Obviously all the pollsters shouldn’t have been close only in a couple of states.

10) It’s pretty much impossible for the result to deviate so much from the bellwether counties. Even if we’d been holding elections since before the Big Bang happened, we still wouldn’t have had a result where even eleven of seventeen bellwethers were wrong. This time 14 of them missed. Statistically, that simply can’t happen. When you find a result that is statistically virtually impossible, it is. So Biden forgot to rig the bellwether counties when he was rigging the key states, because only statisticians care about bellwethers.

11) The New York times election night live feed of raw data – for Virginia. Virginia is odd in that it apparently allows fractional voting, so a batch will come in that looks like this:
Batch stamp (GMT) Biden #, Trump #, Biden %, Trump %
2020-11-04T13:02:17Z 252.39 210.09 54.573171% 45.426829%

That one had 252.39 votes for Biden, and 210.09 votes for Trump, which were added to the running totals.

12) But the fractional voting gets weirder, because some of the batches have huge negative votes, like 2020-11-04T05:12:38Z, which had -37,510.39 votes for Trump. Kind of odd, eh?

13) But it gets weirder. In that dump, the first seven batches each gave Trump 45.4278% of the batch total, even when the number of votes was 11.28 to 9.39 or 1544.41 to 1285.57. The standard deviation of the Trump % of those 7 batches was 0.001653%, or a thousandth of a percent. The next 11 batches shifted slightly, giving Trump 45.22% of the vote, with a standard deviation of 0.02587%. The second group differed from the first group by 7 standard deviation of the second group, and 125 standard deviations of the first group. Only a machine creating fake ballots could do this, and by the way, there’s no such thing as a floating point vote. My assumption is that some coder didn’t realize he’d declared the wrong data type for his fake vote generator – which fed the New York Times election feed.

14) Hundreds of thousands of votes came in for Biden, out of nowhere, late in the night, while hundreds of thousands of Trump votes disappeared from the totals. The vote ratio on the later batches didn’t look remotely like what it had been in the first 125 batches of votes, in which Trump was taking a commanding lead. It’s like someone saw Trump was easily winning Virginia and hit the election-rigging panic button.

I’m sure I’ve forgotten many, many other red flags, but the point is that three or four red flags usually indicate a strong case for conducting an investigation that will most likely result in prosecution and conviction. Here, off the top of my head (except those last 5 because I’d just been punching them through a spreadsheet), are ten times the number of red flags that you’d probably have when looking into a company like Enron. There’s so much of it, that you can see this fraud from the moon.


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