Saturday, January 23, 2021

Is there reason to hope? Scott Walker former governor of Wisconsin thinks so.

Optimism form Scott Walker of Wisconsin.

First, conservatives have an overwhelming advantage now on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Second, liberals will control the Senate, House and White House, but self-proclaimed moderate Sen. Joe Manchin can stop them

Third, liberals tend to go too far when they hold power at the federal level.

Fourth, conservatives hold a distinct advantage in the states.

Fifth, Donald Trump increased support from Black and Latino voters. Making gains with non-traditional Republican voters will be key to future success for conservatives.

Sixth, working men and women overwhelmingly felt like they had a champion in Donald Trump. Conservatives need to continue to speak directly to blue-collar voters

Finally, Donald Trump nearly won.  I actually think he DID win, and it was stolen. Despite his own challenges. Despite unprecedented attacks from media outlets, social media, elected officials and a global pandemic, he almost won.

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