Friday, January 08, 2021

Mis-underestimating the majority (the dictionary of George W Bush)

It is a big mistake to equate the Trump Presidency with the people who have always been there.  Before Trump ever rode down the escalator in 2015, there were people willing and ready to go to the mat to reverse the damage the Obama administration had inflicted on the American People.  Trump didn’t inspire this.  Those people were always there, angry, ready for some method, some means, some person to reverse the damage.

Recall  the 2016 election season.  Some in my own family didn’t vote for Trump, yet they are as conservative as I am.  They were Cruzers.  Full on unchanging Ted Cruz supporters. Or they were Rubio supporters. They were angry, ready to turn around what they saw as an aberration in our government headed by a man with evil in his heart.  Barack Obama.

Later in 2016 as the nomination of Trump was secured, most of them came to accept his presence.  Some of us, including me early on, were not sure this was good. I was dubious for a long time. Many reading this have shoved the down my throat.  I accept it. 

I recall many so called republicans who ran from Trump by the pussy grab scandal that happened just before the election of 2016.  Our local representative at the time in District 14 disavowed Trump.  I’m talking a couple weeks before the vote.  Those people are still there, we see them in office.  Randy Hultgren was that man, he was defeated, those repeating the mistake will be defeated.  It wasn’t at that point about Trump, it was about not having Hillary Clinton as President.  I don’t know what Hultgren was thinking.  Did he think by disavowing Trump he would somehow endear himself to democrats? 

Some who did not accept the Trump nomination became “Never Trumpers”.  Some like Ben Shapiro became Sometimes Trumpers.  They supported him in his office after he was elected, but kept an edge in watching him carefully.   Of course many never  Trumpers like the Lincoln Project have become the enemy. 

The election of Trump over Clinton was contentious and some on the left believed fraud was involved.  Not understanding the federal system of the electoral college in a Republic, they kept  hammering the idea that Hillary won the popular vote  and lost the election because of the electoral college.  This resulted in resentment and anger.  Hence the Russians, Russians, Russians hoax.  Four years of constant “not my president” was the result.  It caused the fact that Obama before he left office set up a conspiracy to sabotage Trump.  Spying on him. And for four years the abuse by the left even to a fake impeachment was insane.  They accepted him as much as we will accept Biden. 

Trump hasn’t helped himself.  He is a competent clever businessman playing 3d chess with the opposition as they played checkers.  But he has flaws.  Some is wrapped up in his personality.  I understand that personality.  It is rooted in the world he comes from.  Business not politics.  I live better in that world as does Trump than I do in politics.  If I ran for office, I would be more like Trump.  Not great. Arrogant. All knowing. Bullheaded.  Determined.  Pushing thru.  Yet.. he has been the greatest President in my lifetime.

I have friends who are better at business than they are at politics.  In the world of entrepreneurism a personality like trumps is essential.  When it is big business, the likes of a Jamie Diamond is needed.  It is why when a company is on a growth curve the founders many times step aside or are forced out.  It happened to Steve Jobs.  He was set down for a season.  We forget that. Trump is that kind of man.  It takes a big mouth to make a way when you are going to be successful in business.  You have to be just a little full of Crap. 

With the level of corruption that was in our government in 2017 when Trump was inaugurated he was exactly the right person.  Not a politician.  A bulldozer. A wrecking ball.  More focused on desired results rather than desirable methods.  He wanted to turn around the country.  To make it better.  HE DID. Trump was exactly the right man for the time at the time. 

I won’t start to list all the good things he has done in his 4 years. I’m sure those who despise Trump can list all the bad things he has done, but mostly it is style rather than substance.  Arrogance and his big mouth are his main sins according to those who have turned away from him when they should have stayed strong.  They didn’t.  That says more about them than Trump.  Look at how the surrender monkeys are running for the rat holes (mixing my metaphors) when the chips were down.  Lindsay Graham is the prime example.

Now Biden will come.  Trump is done. Not just done, done done.  Like Clinton was.  But note.  Those who supported Clinton didn’t go away.  She represented what they believe was a stolen election.  She was not nominated, nor even considered because the people making those selections were aware she was toxic.  Sadly because of the actions of a few lawbreakers Trump is now toxic.  The movement is not toxic except to those who fear it.

Biden will be like a bad sequel to a popular TV show.  Friends was followed as a sequal by… can you name it?  There was one.  Seinfeld was followed by..  anyone remember?  Everything Biden tries to do for the next few years will be seen as a second class bad sequel by the population, even on the left.  He doesn’t have it.  Neither does Harris.  There is more here than we know.  Obama and the deep state think they can do what they do by remote control.  Only light can point out this deception and the evil behind it.

What the left and the deep state do not understand is that we were all here BEFORE Trump.  We are still here.  Oh sure there are a few weaker who say we should have had.. or if  someone other than Trump were president for the last four years we could have won this.  They don’t have a name other than a mythical “Anyone but Trump”.  They are like the losers in every company who always hate the boss.  Think they could do better.  But they don’t, they can’t.  They just harp and whine about what he or she is doing.  They hate the arrogance and personality that makes the boss successful.  Of course sometimes that personality stumbles.  They take great joy in seeing them stumble.  Just as they take great joy in seeing Trump’s fall.  It’s loser think.

Trump will exist in our hearts, we will look back on these past four years fondly.  He is going to look far better in the rear view mirror than he ever did during his term.  He will also live in the brain of the left.  They will try at every turn to disparage what Trump accomplished.  They will fail. We remember. Oh there will be some who will be suckered in. He may have been one of the greatest Presidents of my generation. 

You may not recall but the left HATED Reagan.  They called him RAYGUN.  To this day the fact that he did what he did during his 8 years in turning around a failed economy of the 70s from Nixon and Carter has been a sore spot to this day for some.  They hate that he accomplished so much.  Not as much as Trump has.  So they will have to beat the drum.

Do not misunderstand what you see today.  The continued attacks even in the face of essential resignation by Trump, the fact that Pelosi and Schumer and much of the left win fake news is so vindictive is not because they believe the tirades they are spewing, it is because they FEAR Trump.  More important they FEAR those of us who were here before and those who are still here.  We are the 99% born again believers who populated the mall and cheered a couple days ago.  Not the 1% who tarnished the movement by lawlessness.  No one agrees it was a great idea to do what they did.  It was wrong at every level and I condemn it because I am honest.

Look at the hypocrisy of the left.  Now screaming about the events of Wednesday, at the End of May when the rioters were burning the church in DC and trying to occupy the White House, being called by the fake news media “Peaceful Protesters” the secret service was doing all it could to protect our White House.  50+ men and women were injured in the line of duty trying to protect the White House and President Trump.  Some maimed for life. It became so serious that Trump had to retreat to a bunker for safety.  That wasn’t an image anyone was happy about.  The left wing in this country cheered on the rioters and ridiculed the President as a coward for hiding in safety.  Where was their outrage at that time against these lawbreakers?  Of course that isn’t mentioned… Hypocrisy.

What happened in the capital was horrid. The image of that guy feet on the desk in Pelosi’s office must result in his prosecution.  Another image from that day was people filing into the building once the doors were opened and staying inside the velvet ropes as they entered.  Strange image, but true.  The bulk of us are law abiding and stay inside the velvet ropes. We are the majority.

I will say again.  Trump is now an ex President.  He did his best and it was excellent.  The left will never give him the credit due.  They fear him.  So now what?  The MAGA party is here.  It may actually take on a name.. that name may end up being the GOP, Republican.  Or something else. Understand.  On the conservative side, we ARE the majority.  The weak will end up being in that squishy middle called undecided.  The George Bushes of the past are as gone forever.  Trump is gone, but there will be another.  Maybe even better. There is no 2024 for Trump.  Will any Trump scion ever rise again?  Probably not.  But we are not going away.  There are people waiting to assume the mantle.  They will point to what Trump did, and it will be good.  They will also point to a promising new future.  Trumps shoes are big, but we will need BIG in the days to come.  The Democrats have installed a small man.  A very small man.  Like barking dogs they will rant, rave and threaten, but they are like coyotes trying to face down a powerful pride of Lions in our society.  Those of us who understand know that the fight never stops.  It must be fought every time evil is uncovered. 

The Trump era is gone. Now there is a new movement.  It looks like me.  It looks like many of you.  Christian.  Patriotic.  Flag waving.  America Loving.  Tyranny hating.  Family.  Doing right.  Telling the Truth.  Opportunity.  We are emboldened. We have seen what can be accomplished for good.  We have pulled back the curtain on deceit. 

So much of what is wrong in America is Liberal, Democrat, Pagan, immoral and yes evil wrapped around it.  The destruction of the Family, Abortion, Gender, Racism, Communism and Great Reset Globalism. There is no place for compromise with this.  Light cannot and must not compromise with darkness. There is evil in the world. We must never ever allow ourselves to submit to it.  To them.

That’s why they fear us. That’s why they fear Trump.  Not for him alone.  But for the millions that gathered together at rallies as happened Wednesday.  Millions that say, we can’t accept this.  They fear that we are going to stay strong and keep pushing back.   They are right to fear.  Most of us will push back.  There will arise a new figurehead, a new spokesman.  He or she will represent us as they should.  I don’t have a specific name, but I have a few in mind.  Too early to call them out.  2022 is the next challenge.  We have some housecleaning to do first.  That’s our problem now. The howling coyotes are just going to keep howling.  We need to stay steady.

They have mis-underestimated the majority in this country.  We are strong. We are here.  We are a force that must be reckoned with.  They will try to suppress us.  They even are trying to abuse us.  Calls for repression reflecting what has happened in Hong Kong by China are afoot.  It’s not a surprise.  The Chinese are arresting and suppressing freedom at every turn.  It’s working. Do you think for a second the new Chinese administration of Biden won’t try the same thing?  Sadly there are some that were with us as least on the edge during the good times that say, “It can never happen here”. Yes it can.  Stand Strong.

I know this.  As long as we keep our faith in God, Cling to our Bibles and Our Guns, we are going to be feared.  That is good.  Mutually assured destruction.  They know we won’t back down without a fight. Fight we must when the day comes.

Now is the time to attack.  Get our weak representatives to repair the corrupt election system in this country.  Try to transplant some of your spine into them. Attack the evil that exists in Government personified by leaders of the Democrat Party. Attack the evil influence of globalists like Soros and Obama.  Attack the cultural degradation of Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Attack the drip drip drip indoctrination of our school system.  Attack the corrupt Media.  Attack controlling Big Tech.  Attack the corruption that big business has at its core.  There is much to do.  Now we know who we are. So do they. It’s not time to Retreat.  It’s time to attack.  We have men and women capable of being the front line warriors in this fight. They have names.  They have platforms.  Let’s band together and fight beside them.  The war is on.  Yes our leader has been fatally wounded, he won’t be back.  But the movement is still alive. 

When you think of the old Star Wars Movies, this is much like this.  When evil succeeds there is always a force for good willing to risk all to turn back evil.  We are the Force from the good side.  The dark side has force too.. but we are greater.

Don’t give up.  Recognize who the other side is.  They fear us.  They fear what Trump consolidated in us.  They will do all they can in cooperation with the minions in the press to defame you, me and all others who believe as we do.

The litmus test for the fight to come is the credibility of the last corrupt fraudulent election.  There is a continuum.  I won’t quote exact numbers but you know them.  Half of all conservatives are convinced that the election was stolen. A third of all independents and 15% of all democrats.  On one end of the continuum (the minority) are those who think that Biden won fair and square.  At the other end of the continuum are those who think Trump won by a landslide and should have four more years.  Both ends of the continuum are deluded.  We probably haven’t had a fair and free election since 2000.  All efforts to fix it have been manipulated.  The election of 2000 is why we have such great polarity.  The other side never believed GW Bush to be the legitimate President.  Every single election since has been considered fraudulent.  Obama in 2008 was that last uncontested.  2004 was contested terribly. 2012 was contested.  And of course 2016.  This is nothing new.  It must be fixed. It is dividing our country.  OF course it will be difficult.  The democrats are in power due in part to a flawed corrupt election system.

I believe as the majority of Americans do that this election was filled with fraud and corruption. That without that fraud, Trump might possibly be in for four more years.  But Fraud prevailed.  I also now accept that Biden is President, that Trump is not.  We must like the Alamo and the Maine, NEVER EVER Forget what happened here.  Like Lincoln at Gettysburg, we must stand and remember what happened here.

Do not be defeated in your heart.  Right is right. Don’t be fooled.  Don’t buy into the narrative.  Seek Truth.  Stay Steady.  For those that are FOR US are more than those against us.  Now get out there and ATTACK.   Our nation is at risk and all that stands between us and tyranny is us.

God Bless us All and God Bless America. 





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