Monday, February 15, 2021

Most Change is not Possible

In Dale Carnegie Training I learned I can teach others skills they need to excel. But, I can’t teach discipline. I can’t teach perseverance. I can’t teach good character. You actually can’t change who others are. You can only help them become more of who they already are. A big danger in marriages is thinking you can change the other person.  Same in hiring.  Same in ministering to one another.  We are who we are.  We can be a better "Who we already are".  

The great philosopher Popeye said, "I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam"

Self-realization and a can of spinach fortified Popeye in his quest to be authentic - to act from his values and principles, and remain loyal to himself, his friends and his community. Despite the odds against him, the Sailor Man prevailed.  

This is a quest to which we can all relate. Time, then, to be like Popeye and sail home to our Authentic Self.


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