Sunday, July 06, 2014

Police State tacticts

I have FB friends who when I post episodes of Police State tactics and brutality will nearly always take the side of the police. That it's right for them to do what they do because of the misdeeds of the victim. I understand it takes two.

Yet, there are bad cops. There are bad police policies. There are bad police state tactics (I never even HEARD of Swat teams before 40 years ago and now they break up slumber parties with one.

IF no one speaks up about these abuses then they will go on with the passive consent of the abused and the abusers.

I DO blame those who work in Law Enforcement for not cleaning up the act of which they are a part. No company in the private sector gets that kind of a pass. Look at the recent reaction of KFC over the alleged spite of a child. Yet police get a pass even when it's on video. And there are the Police Unions and the Blue Code.

So, who will speak for the innocents and the presumed guilty? The cops won't and don't. So they are legitimately all held accountable. Don't tell me there are good cops if they are silent. Who will police the police? The police don't.

"In order for evil to flourish, all that is required is for good men to do nothing." From Edward Burke.

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