Sunday, July 31, 2005

Too Many Blondes

We just returned from a long trip to Oklahoma City (IPHC Quadrennial Conference). Had a great time.

While there I noticed something and mentioned it to Peggy. She concurred.

Somehow, at least in the mid south central USA all the young women look the same. They are hard to tell apart. All of them are sort of Jennifer Anniston wannabees except a little blonder. Big white teeth smiles that say, “I had braces, don’t you love my teeth?”

Pretty enough girls. But all identical.

I have this theory, if Dandelions (like in your yard) were rare and hard to grow we would have them cultured in greenhouses, use them in expensive bouquets, and have dandelion breeders developing new and exotic cultivars. But because they are so common we mow them down and breed orchids.

Girls, Girls, Girls, you are becoming dandelions. Ubiquitous. Identical. Pretty enough; But all glamour is no glamour.

Where are the longhaired raven beauties? (I married one) Where are the fiery redheads? Where are the curly haired dazzlers? Where are the slightly heavy Norma Jeans? What about the bob cut sandy haired cuties. And the auburn haired mystery woman, where is she? There are lots of options other than Jennifer and her imitators.

I know blondes have more fun they say. Might it not be fun to be a little different? I think you will have just as much fun.

Besides, peroxide is hard on your hair.


NodakJack said...

I quoted you today on my show on WDAY, Fargo. The line about all glamour is no glamour. Good it yours?
Hell, it's getting so hunchbacks with rotten teeth and mange look good.

Gene said...

The comments mine, I think. Of course when you are as old as I (we) am (are) who knows anymore what's origional or not.

I know you'll appreciate this, I still have lots of Ristvedtisms in my vocab. He's a bright guy.

I'll be in FGO Next week. Grandkid visits and all. I'll attempt to connect.

Steve Scott said...
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Steve Scott said...

I have no idea how I got into the comments section of a post from 2005, but I agree totally with your blonde assessment. I think the same thing when I watch a "beauty" pageant. All the same. Maybe this is why I'm not particularly attracted to porn. It's all airbrush anyway.