Monday, October 10, 2005

End of the Age?

I heard Pat Robertson say that all the upset in the last year starting with the Tsunami and up to the Earthquake in Pakistan with tens of thousands dead means that the end of the world (or something like it) is near.

I don’t know.

I guess I read the Bible as well as the next guy. I’ll withhold my opinion.

I do know that I am more thankful for every breath, every hug, every kiss, every touch, every single manifestation of life than I was before.

I have touched and seen those empty shells of people I once knew and loved.

I understand that in Medical School, early on they take students to a newly deceased body. They make them hold the hand of the carcass. They then talk about how only a few hours ago this person loved, had anger, sexual drives, felt heat, pain, talked, and reasoned. Now, nothing.

That’s why I believe in an eternal soul. This is more than just a cluster of synapses. We live on.

Naive? Or is it naive to believe that there is nothing beyond this life.

Time will tell. I’m with Pascal, “if there’s nothing beyond this life, I’m not harming myself living and loving as if there is”.

If I’m wrong it doesn’t matter, if I’m right, WOW!

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