Thursday, January 12, 2006

A Peek at Nationaized Medicine

Today I needed to get some stamps.  You knew, the postal rate changed.  Right? No problem you say?  HA!
I stood in line for a half hour.  I needed stamps for a small mailing I was doing.  About a hundred pieces. 
They didn't have the right stamps.  They didn't have any stamps.  So after waiting a half hour the poor guy behind the counter who I did NOT harass came up with a bad solutions.  If I put this stamp and 2 2cent stamps (they have no 4's)  It would work out.  A really bad fix.
I'm astounded that they can even keep track of this mess. 
I was talking to others in line.  The consensus is that if the USA ever nationalized health care we would have a system akin to the efficiency of the post office. 
This is a mess, they are doing what they can.  But bureaucracies are really bad at doing almost anything. 
Delivering the mail is nearly out of their realm now.
Don't let them take over health care. They can't do that either.

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