I am optimistic that a turn is taking place in the Black Community. The conservative Christian black leaders (I Didn't say Republican) are beginning to take the mask off of the so called Poor Oppressed Black culture and starting to get at it's organic roots. The black population in New Orleans crushed by organized socialistic policies with permanent poverty as a result was washed away by Katrina. It ain't coming back. The backlash against so called self serving leaders like Jesse Jackson is accelerating. I predict that Al Sharpton (who I actually believe is pretty sharp) will get on board. Bill Cosby, Don King and others who are recognizable will say the things needed to be said. This will give permission to the Church and Political leaders (Like Lynn Swan) to help restore the respect and culture 45 years of social experimentation by "intellectuals" who played around with other people's money, great society schemes and EOC boondoggles that generated the opposite results intended. It's time to set the captives free.
Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, Free at LAST.
Lashawn Barber wrote this. I couldn't. I'm White.
If American blacks, as a group, don’t start: 1) marrying before they have children, 2) stigmatizing illegitimacy as they once did, 3) ostracizing immorality and decadency, 4) holding themselves accountable for their children’s low educational achievement, 5) shunning criminality, and 6) resisting the “racism” hustle — moral decay, social pathologies, underachievement, and other ills will define the “black community.”
And thug culture will be the perverse crown jewel sitting at the top.
Addendum: It’s important to note that I’m advocating responsibility for individuals and responsibility within families. Without a return to strong and intact families, the tasks ahead will be extremely difficult to accomplish.
Black people do not need another propped-up, opportunistic so-called leader helping them do anything. I believe blacks as a group have the intellectual, spiritual and cultural knowledge they need to dig out of this hole. It requires policing our own and holding one another accountable for our actions, not listening to some stump speech from a puffed-up peacock. So please don’t comment on this thread about leaders for the black community, especially if you’re white.
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