Thursday, February 02, 2006

Encountering the Borg

You know the Borg.  They have become the metaphor for nearly every kind of unified force for evil.  A mindless collective consciousness.


I have seen every Borg episode of Star Trek Next Gen several times.  I’m easily entertained. 


Tonight I encountered a member of the Borg Collective.  How do I know? 


First the Borg are oblivious to others around them. 


Second they did what they did without consideration for others. 


Third they were connected thru implants in their brain the Borg collective. 


Fourth they are rude as they pursue what they do.  If you get in their way they will walk over you.


I was at Quiznos.  I like their subs.  Toasted.  Wheat.


In walked a Borg.  He had a Bluetooth cranial implant.  He was talking to someone somewhere.  Loudly.  There were others in the shop.  He talked so we could all participate in his self-important conversation.  I think when you get the Borg Bluetooth implant it requires that you talk very loud at all times.  He did barely acknowledge the man from whom he ordered his sandwich.  He had his teenage son with him.  He didn’t acknowledge him either.  If a car had driven thru the window of the shop it wouldn’t have mattered.  What he was talking about was far more important.  Some big software deal. 


Borg are always tweaking the system.


He got his sandwich, got into his ship (I didn’t see if it was square) and lifted off.


Resistance in this case is NOT futile and I REFUSE to be assimilated. 


Evil Bluetooth Borg.

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