Friday, July 28, 2006

Do Not Read Blogs! Particularly this one.

Some are dangerous. This one surely is. It is loaded with things that could set you free, anger you and, if you are bright enough, lead you to the truth.

I just want to warn you, continued reading of this blog will cause you to take the spiritual blinders off and cause you to begin to seek God for real.

So, you have been warned. Read what you will. Some will cause you to think. There will come a day when you will hit the wall. You will be empty. You will feel lost. You will need Jesus. You don’t think you will but I promise you that is how it works. We all get to the peapods in the bottom of the slop bucket. Now or later.

Only he can bring you back and bring you out. But, keep running. He loves you and will run you down until you catch him.

Come home. There is no other way.

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