Sunday, September 24, 2006

Failure Makes Cowards of us ALL

I studied psychology with Dr. James T. Nolan during the 70's.  It was part of the development process in teaching Dale Carnegie.  Not everyone went in for the whole Kuhuna, but I'm a glutton for punishment.  I did. 
During that time I learned a great deal about how human beings deal with threat, failure and pressure.  That helped me in two ways.  One is to help me see when people are pushed to far.  Second it has helped me see the fly in my own ointment. 
People under pressure from a potential failure mode pull back, revert to what they knew, the tried and true, old school, tradition, what they were told would work by others and are rendered impotent because of it.  They start punching a clock in life.
They stop being courageous and creative.  The capacity for innovation and the boldness to implement what they believed might work is stifled by fear.
Oh, there are rationalizations why they are doing what they do, but it's all fear based. 
I am going to do a few, a series of essays on this topic.  I see so many people I care about unwilling to take the action necessary to reach into greatness.
They don't realize they were created to impact the world.  That God purposed them to be really great. 
In Princess Diaries the comment is made, "Why am I afraid of Greatness".
Fear of Failure.  It's a curse and it must be broken.
Stay tuned.

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