Wednesday, September 20, 2006

This Could Ruin Everything

So, we’re in the middle of all kinds of Papal Conflict, Evil, Hatred, Anti-Bush Spewing. Normal stuff.

Well, listening to Rush the other day he told of a fellow by the name of Greg Easterbrook who writes or works for ESPN (I personally never heard of him but I’m not a huge sports fan) had written an editorial about a gamma ray emission from 470 BILLION light years away.

His conclusions are this.

This gamma ray emission came from a huge supernova. This happens often. The galaxy (not solar system) galaxy within which this supernova took place, if there was any life, it has now been exterminated.

That all this happened at the speed of light. There is no warning. If there was life in the galaxy where this supernova happend 470 billion years ago it was snuffed out in a second. No warning, no hiding, no nothing. Just blink and you were gone.

That we have had supernova’s from time in time in our galaxy. Not often. It’s postulated that the extermination of life that killed all the dinosaurs could have been from just such a supernova.

So, in case you need something to worry about, your extermination may well be hurtling at you at the speed of light. You will never know. You will just cease to be.

But it’s always been that way. You aren’t granted another second of breath except by the grace of God.

You can read the whole article here. I lifted it from his ESPN page. He rambled on and on about sports and other such meaningless things in the actual article which you can read if you want to google him up.

So, you might ask, what’s a person to do. Huh? Well, stay right and stay ready. We could all die in the next 10 seconds.

Or not.

Your future is coming at you at the speed of light and that’s pretty darn quick.


NodakJack said...

NOw, THERE'S so science into which one can sinks ones teeth. That science approved of by the other anti-Christ, Rush.
You guys are so gullible.

NodakJack said...

That should be "Now" not NOw. And it should say "some" instead of "so."
It's early, OK?

Gene said...

OK, I'll bite, was the ESPN guy off on his story?? I thought it sounded right. Rush was just a transmitter.

As was I. As you are prone to say, "Don't blame the Messenger".

But, I think this thing is accurate, I did google independant of ESPN guy and of course Rush and that Supernova did happen and it appears that it would be a bad deal if it happened anywhere in our galactic neigborhood.

If you know otherwise, please, I'm curious.