I have written on this before, but right now am motivated to take another run at it.
William James was the father of a secularist (although James was a Christian) thought movement that has persisted from his time in the around the turn of the 20th century until now. Usually it's called “Positive Thinking”.
One of his contemporaries was James Allen who was an early inspirational writer. His most famous book, “As a Man Thinketh” publshed in 1902 is still read quoted today. It comes from a proverb in the Bible. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7
I worked in the “Think and Grow Rich” industry for many years (Dale Carnegie Courses). I believe what was taught IF we understand that there are truths above and beyond those we conjure up.
What is true is:
If you think you can’'t you’'re right.
If you think it’s too hard you are dead on.
If you think you are never going to make it, that’s the truth.
If you think you can'’t make and keep friends, yep.
If you think you are hard to get along with, you are.
If you think you will never have enough money, it’s true.
If you think nothing ever works out for you, it won'’t.
If you think thinking anything other than what you are thinking is daydreaming, it is for you.
I have had to fight against thoughts which have the capacity to keep me down all my life. People have lied to me. Teachers, parental units, friends, customers, employees, even spiritual leaders. If I listened to them too long I too would be convinced that I should give up, nothing’s gonna work out.
That my friends are lies broadcast directly via broadband from the pit of hell.
This has to do with politics, this has to do with marriage, this has to do with business, this has to do with church, this has to do with work, this has to do with everything in my life and yours. Even much of the media today lies to us and works overtime to discourage us from believing.
Here’s the rub: You can think positive thoughts, hopeful thoughts, but if they are outside the word of God, prophetic and published they are useless. Oh, they will get results for a while. But the Devil will use them to trip you up.; Deceitfulness of riches.
Only by knowing what God says to and about you and hearing it and hearing it and hearing it will you ever get a breakthrough.
Even well meaning people will say things to you that are destructive. Peter said such to Jesus and Jesus had to rebuke Satan who was using Peter. Your friends and family didn’t mean to beat you down. They were used. And they abused with their words.
It’s time to take it all back, time to get it all right, time to adjust the words you live by.
Because, in the end, whatever you believe about yourself, your circumstances, your relationships, your work, your life is true for you. You can go on living under the circumstance OR you can begin living in hope and begin thinking like you believe what you hope to be true about your life. Everyone, including myself, who has gone that way, has found themselves better for it. Begin to believe, and you will become. Act as if it already was happening and it will.
What’s the alternative to choosing to live this way? Living like you do now?
Believe! Begin today. Whatever you think you are, you are.
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