I had a terrarium when I was a kid of 11. Frogs, crickets, fish etc inhabited Geneland. It was a sealed system. No air or water in, none out. The idea was that the O2 generating plants would trap the CO2 and keep the O2 using animals alive. In subdued light it worked pretty well. Oh, we had the occasional muerte. But it went on for weeks.
Then I had the bright idea of exposing it to a great deal of extra sunlight.
So I did.
It was instant global warming at least for the residents of Geneland.
HereÂ’s what happened. Plants wilted, things on the surface of Geneland became crispy. Frogs hated this and spent more time in Geneland lake. Crickets headed underground. Life changed.
Then something happened that I thought about yesterday. All at once the whole environment became very sultry. Sticky, humid, and everything was wet. The inside of the terrarium dripped. The plants were soggy, and the frogÂ’s little tongues hung out.
What happened was after the first flush of drought resulting from the increase in temp, the moisture was trapped in the air and precipitated out. This happens with Meringue if you bake, this happens when you try to soften bread rolls in the oven or microwave.
The first thing is a crisping, a crusting, then moisture is released and everything gets soggy. Your flambe' is ruined.
So, let's think about a larger terrarium, oh, let'’s say, THE WORLD.
We live inside a closed system. For one reason or another our world is warming. That warming accelerates the production of decomposition of previously frozen tundra and that releases even more warming atmosphere that increases the decomposition etc. This is a cycle that has repeated itself every 20,000 years for a while.
People who are smarter than us (they say) who will tell you smugly that they have a degree in Science and that makes them better able to think are for the most part unable to do so beyond what ever the herd mentality allows them to think.
Maybe the end result of Global warming is a GOOD THING. Of course it will mean change, and all change is interpreted as loss to people. But, Here'’s a hypothesis based on a 50 year ago terrarium experiment.
The world temp increases 10 degrees in the next 100 years. THAT'’s a LOT. Instead of everyone baking in the sun and dying, what if the net result of that is a radical increase in the worlds Rh factor. Humidity. Steamy. Tropical rainforest conditions. Nearly pole to pole.
The humidity in the air has the net effect of making much of the planet look like the Amazon, or the rainforests of Washington state.
That would be bad because........................?
It would be different. Huge rainfall would create lakes where none were before. It would make deserts that formerly were forests reforest again. Sahara and the West China deserts would blossom and flourish.
Much of the western USA would become verdant and the east would become lush. Rainfalls of 100 inches per year would be common on the globe. And in true rainforest fashion it would rain every night.
Look at Florida, southern India, Indonesia, Philippines, Central and equatorial South America. Maybe instead of toasting, drying up and blowing away we will swelter. And things will grow and people will eat, and animals will thrive and life will change.
I can'’t prove my theory, that a higher temp will evaporate more of the water from the planet into the atmosphere and cause an ultrahumidification of our global climate. It seems to me that to extrapolate straight line that warmer means drier as we hear from some people with degrees in science is as valid my as thinking there may be an inversion coming by a shift in the hydrological cycle. A release of global humidity driven by a radical speedup of the Water Cycle we all learned about in School. More heat, more water, more atmospheric potential, more rain, more clouds, instant tropics.
My bet is that the increase of heat on the planet is net net net a GOOD thing for everyone. Change, but good. Besides there is NOTHING you or I can do about it. We didn'’t cause it, we canÂ’t cure it. You would do just as well to sacrifice a virgin (if you could find one) on the top of Mt. St. Helens to the God of weather as most of what the Kyoto treaty wants us to do. It'’s useless.
Oh, and the frogs and crickets in Geneland? I let them out after the frog ate the fish. There are descendents of Frog and Cricket walking the earth today talking of this myth of how the Gene created all.
I wonder what ever happened to that dumb terrarium. I know this, that once I removed the lid, life went back to "“Normal"” in Geneland and it wasn'’t better. I hope the creator of all of this doesnÂ’t remove our lid. I'’ll take whatever comes.
There is no other choice.
Based on the comments from the intelectual left who only parrots what misleaders say here are other voices. I wish I could take full unmerited credit for this thesis. I can't. I can just support what may be the FACTS (not that it ever stopped the global warming mafia before).
Global Warming is cyclical and normal
No one knows what the net effect is going to be and liars only say they do
These things have happened before and life goes on
As late as 12,000 years ago
So relax. It is what it is. No amount of hand wringing will solve this. No amount of artificial sacrifice will have any effect whatsoever.
Learn to live with Global Warming.
To Ken and Karma, who insist I must not read any scholarly scientific journals, I'll match my scientific reading and in depth science education (2 degrees and most of a masters in the life sciences) to anyone who decides to match mine. I'll match you journal for journal, book for book, degree for degree, and experience for experience. You don't know what you are talking about and you are living in a world driven by liberal delusion. You have been dumbed down and blinded. I would offer you books of scholarly treatises that will go against the conventional wisdom with competence and authority. You wouldn’t read them. It would mess with your worldview and could cause you to actually doubt what the ecomafia wants you to believe. Even if they told you the truth you wouldn’t believe them. You are blind to reality.
I only wish you would open your mind and start to just question what the ecomafia is feeding you. You are a sheepling.
Going through life with your head stuck in the sand thinking you can make no difference is definitely a Conservative trait... not a Christian one but a conservative one. Being arrogant enough to think you know more than all the experts based on your little home experiment is taking arrogance to a new level. It sounds to me like the idiots are uniting for one last push to take us back to the stone age. Gene sees that as a good thing and philosophically we can make the most of any situation if we ignore the death and carnage that will go with it. If it is your family and children you might not be so quick to stick that head up your ass or put it in the sand. But anyone else is fair game in your world. Which tells me all I need to know about you and your kind.
Sure, there is no 'harm' done in a vastly changed planet and it has happened many times before where poles shifted and landmasses moved and glaciers scraped the land bare and it was repopulated. No problem for the solar sytem or even the earth as a whole. But the amount of catastrophe in human and property terms and the shifts in learning to live off certain plants and animals and such are just magnificent in proportion. (I don't see any corn or beef in your new rainforested USA) Massive die offs of many species and gradual recolonization of others for example and certainly some civilization collapses and rebirths in the process and that is ALL JUST fine so that we can keep driving SUVs willy nilly and keep burning coal and oil instead of solar and wind and so we keep on at our current rate, which to change, would require merely inconveniences, so that future generations can pay in catastrophe, but that is all okay because the earth will still be here and just a different shade of green???? Your kind of drivel would not merit a passing grade in a science class or a writing class or a philosophy class in any high school in any PUBLIC school system that I know of . . .
As a Christian, I choose to believe the ancient creeds that remind us that "God created it--and still sustains it."
People that worry about what man does to this world often show no or little understanding of how HE continues to work in HIS world!
A few decades ago Time Magazine lamented that the earth was getting colder--today it is getting warmer they say. Look closely--same article with only hot and cold changed.
But what do they know--naming the Man of the Year as "YOU." I wait for the day when they realize that God is "Man of the Year", past, present and future.
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