I want you to meet a friend of mine. A man I love dearly. Oh, I disagree with him on many things. But it has never halted my persistent affection for him. I disagree and fight with everyone I love from time to time. If I didn't it would mean you didn't matter enough to me to take you on when I think you are wrong. If we fight, I still love you. OK?
Earl Donaldson and I worked together in Dale Carnegie many years ago. We had adventures, taught together. I don't know if he put me on a right or wrong path Carnegie wise. Earl has also been a pastor, attended seminary and today preaches at his son John's church from time to time. We always enjoy talking theology. He's a bit more liberal than am I. But that's OK. I have lots of people I like with whom I disagree.
Earl's a great guy. He lives in Atlanta now. He still provides training. He's a good writer. A couple weeks ago he started a blog. He called and wanted some help. I was little help I told him to do what I did. Fumble around and it will come to you.
So now he's up and running. Check his blog out.
The post I will point you to as a starter is one he did on the Holy Spirit of God.
I read it and was compelled to ask; Earl, In the book of Acts there appears to be a consistent sign that confirmed people had received the Holy Spirit of God, Baptised in it as it was described by Jesus before he ascended to heaven.
Acts 1:4-5
On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."
What was that sign? Why do many Christians, even well meaning Christians reject that sign as a valid even essential part of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost as described by Jesus? Why did the disciples who had already received the Holy Spirit right after the resurrection when Jesus breathed on them and said, "Receive Ye the Holy Spirit". Wouldn't the baptism in the Holy Spirit be redundant? Are there two or is one different from another? Why did the disciples go to Jerusalem and wait if they already had it? Was Jesus jerking their chain?
1 comment:
Thanks Gene for your strong comments and for the help you gave me when I was setting up my blog. You certainly are a man of God whom I love and listen to.
Jesus did not like signs. See Matthew 12:38 & 39. When John the Baptist sent for a sign, Jesus told him to look around, observe the good things that were happening, and the only valid sign that God is living within a human being in the form of the Holy Spirit is in the good things that are happening, and that of course can be questioned, because people who have no interest in God can also do good things or at least things that appear good at the time.
On that marvelous Day of Pentecost, the most important day in the history of the world, there were four signs: 1. A rushing mighty wind. 2. Cloven tongues of fire, 3 People were speaking in an unknown language, and 4. People who could understand what was being said. All of these were I am sure works of God as was the bright star at Jesus’ birth and the special sign given to Constantine at the battle of Milvian Bridge. And I am sure that there have been many, many others through the years, however it is lifestyle and nothing else that says to the world, God lives within me. When one walks with God, the most important thing is where he walks, and how he walks and what happens when he gets where he is going.
I have been in a number of meetings over the years where there was speaking in tongues. I have never been in a meeting where there was a rushing mighty wind. I have never seen tongues of fire nor have I ever been in a meeting where one spoke in an unknown tongue and other people understood what was being said in his own language. None of these three signs could be easily manufactured by human beings, and I am not suggesting that all people who speak in tongues are doing it themself, what I am suggesting is that it doesn’t matter. Jesus doesn’t like signs and The Holy Spirit doesn’t need them.
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