Monday, December 29, 2008

10,000 Hours or Ten Years - There is NO SUCH THING as an Instant Success

Malcom Gladwell has written a new book, number three of a series. First was The Tipping Point. Second was Blink.

Now he has written one called Outliers.
It is in my opinion the most interesting of the three. It may not be the big success but it has some premises that are really critical if you or someone you know and love want to become accomplished and successful in life:

  • It takes preparation, intense practice to become good at anything. 10,000 hours or ten years.
  • You must have the opportunity. Luck does play a part. Being in the right place at the right time.
  • Passion for doing or becoming something will drive someone to pay the price.
  • Talent is far less important than most people think.
  • Education while important is a smaller component than we be live.

I think these are important concepts because most people, particularly young people think there are short cuts to success. That being bright gets you somewhere. The reality is that to become accomplished and fluid in anything takes time, passion and experience.

I don't think the people who really need to see this will watch the half hour video. This is really bad karma for those who suffer from attention deficit disorder. They won't become accomplished without a passion and focus.

It's bad news. But if you want the whole story, watch the whole video interview and get a grip. You can become accomplished, but it takes time. Lots of time. 10,000 hours.

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